The Kingdom hall I attended went from 4 Theocratic schools to 1 in the main hall.
nobody told me
JoinedPosts by nobody told me
Jw's----No visible decrease.
by integ inunfortunately i am seeing no visual decrease in the meeting attendance at kingdom halls, assemblies, etc.
i am hearing stories of packed district assemblies, and am seeing bigger attendance at the kingdom hall, not less as i might expect due to all the scandals and exposing of false prophecies etc.
it's very depressing.
What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inwhat do you think??
nobody told me
That 2 year old babies not in the 'truth' will be killed because their parents are wicked and don't go to the kingdom hall.
A person shoud wait till mid-twenties to be married, but can be baptized at 10.
Cleaning the bathrooms is a privilege
Christmas is pagan, but the bonus isn't.
gosh, golly, and gee are as bad as swears.
What Made You Leave The "Truth"? Was It False Prophecy, People, Blood, etc.
by minimus injw's like to believe that people who leave the organization do it for selfish reasons or due to impatience and not "waiting on jehovah".
there's a variety of reasons for persons making the decision and saying, "that's it!
i'm not doing this anymore".
nobody told me
I got tired of putting the WTBTS ahead of life. They demand too much time. Really were is the pleasure of sitting through 5 boring meetings of the same old hash and they use guilt as a motivator. "Can you really tell Jehovah that you had the circumstances to pioneer, but didn"t". Self worth is not built on hours, placements, or bible studies. Two small coins of little value never seem to register with these people.
I gave them 18 years of my life. Not once were these people there for me in my time of need, but thank God my "worldly" family was
Pulled out of Sex Ed classes
by Nosferatu infor those of you who had a jw childhood, were you pulled out of sex education classes?
did it bother your conscience if school surprised you with one?
after being deprived from sex knowledge and since the society doesn't make diagrams, how did you learn about it?
nobody told me
My ex-wife[dub] accidentlly "touched" herself when she was about 8. This resulted in several bible studies from mom. She had no idea what she was being taught. She was home-schooled so knew nothing about sex. Her mothers advice for her marriage night, do it on your side with the lights out.
How Long Were You "In Transition" Before You Left The Organization?
by minimus inweeks, months, years??
nobody told me
8 years. The final kick was the blatant hypocrisy. As a whole dubs from the local level all the way to New York and dish whats wrong with everthing in this world{because its all Satanic}, but can take it when they make mistakes. What a terrible pressure they put themselves under and everyone who believes it. By the way the year 1975 came up before I became a Dub. I was tod the society never directly said the world would end then, that it was over-zealous publishers that drew the wrong conclusion. I ask what conclusion were they suppose to arrive at and who was providing that direction?
Do JW couples really have better relationships?
by Latin assassin from Manhattan inare jw marriages any better than the ones 'in the world' as they put it?
when they walk from door to door or mingle after a meeting they appear to be models of ideal marriages.
do you have any experiences with married couples in the 'truth'?
nobody told me
Too many times JW marriages are based on the wrong things. My ex-wife was from a family of position chasers. I went from an elder-pioneer {good marriage material} to strugggling with my field ministry, there was always pressure from here family that we weren't doing enough. Finally after becoming a irregular publisher, she left and went to her spiritually strong family and demanded a divorce based on endangering her spirituality. What a crock of shit. The fact is we both made a mistake and married the wrong person. The only thing in common that we had was that we were JW's. You believe that is the most important thing, lies lies, lies. The most important thing is that you have unconditional love. That means loving your mate and children more than the imperfect WTBTS.
Vasectomy, anyone???
by Maverick inthe tread on having children got me thinking about birth control and its role in the borg.
after my daughter was about a year old we tired to have another child.
thinking it would be good for our daughter to have a brother or sister.
nobody told me
I guess they have to "examine" the brothers a little more closey to see if ther are qualified for an ms or elder.
by rebel ini have never tried to hurt anyone in my life.
i have always tried to love others from my own childhood upbringing.. i have been treated like a traitor.
everything i said was twisted.
nobody told me
I gave the borg 20 years. when I needed them the most, none of them were there for me. When I finally had an enough of their hypocrisy I wrote a letter which I knew would get me DFed. The elders were on me like flies to a dead animal. They said I was rejecting my family. They wanted to help me by giving me a chance to "voice" my complaints, when they had totally rejected my voice before. They insisted over an over again that they come to my house, to set matters straight. They refused to act on serious matters in the cong. which I knew as a former elder should have been addressed but they blew me off because of loyalty to their family and friends. Absolute double standards. I was DFed for talking too much to a DFed person. Yet lying. theft from a business, unauthorized use of a motor vechicle, and providing false information to a government agency were OK. I was so lost I could not believe this could happen. Yet when the shock of what had happen settled the sick feeling started in time to fade. As I did more and more research on the borg. on sites like these and others, the pain went away. They did me a huge favor by DFing me. They make you think your losing everything, your not. Your gaining your freedom. You see them for what they are. A small group of people who think they better than the rest of us. LONG LIVE US PAGANS
Question for elders or ex elders
by northern girl incould anyone tell me what the policy is when a dfed person wants reinstatement?
are they questioned about their behavior while dfed or does that have any relevance since they were outside wts policy during that time?.
northern girl.. .
nobody told me
Usually what is monitored is the persons behavior starting with the time they make an effort to come back. It is assumed that when a person is d-f'd they engage in all kinds of "unscriptural" things. If you blew out candles on a birthday cake while you were out they shouldn't care, just don't do it if you want to go back because then that will matter.
Dress Code
by Tron in.
i stumbled on to my wife km and started to read it,wow thers alot of crap in there huh,but there was one topic about your dress atire,i cant believe that some people could have a gang of freaks locked away in a building tell them what not to wear such as faddish or trendy fashion ,are jw's so mentally weak.
if there are any jw's here attending meetings wake up and smell the coffee your wasting your life.. tron.
nobody told me
Black shirts were a no no in the hall I was in. It troubled some of the elders. They felt it was too mafia. My wife, who is also an ex-jw, was counseled for wearing a sun dress, you know those sexy shoulders are going to stumble someone out the door.